Perceptions of Undergraduate Classroom Nursing Education by Nursing Instructors

Younas Sheik*

Department of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA

Corresponding Author:
Younas Sheik
Department of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences,
University of Nevada, Las Vegas,

Received date: February 13, 2023, Manuscript No. IPJHMM-23-16467; Editor assigned date: February 16, 2023, PreQC No. IPJHMM-23-16467 (PQ); Reviewed date: March 02, 2023, QC No. IPJHMM-23-16467; Revised date: March 09, 2023, Manuscript No. IPJHMM-23-16467 (R); Published date: March 16, 2023, DOI: 10.36648/2471-9781.9.2.363

Citation: Sheik Y (2023) Perceptions of Undergraduate Classroom Nursing Education by Nursing Instructors. J Hosp Med Manage Vol.9 No.2: 363

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A nursing syllabus that includes professional values and ethics as well as requirements for study or training is typically provided to nursing students. This entails working independently and persistently, dedicating one's entire self to the profession and possessing verifiable legal independence. The term "nursing" refers to a service-oriented career that addresses the individual, family and community health needs of society in both healthy and ill situations. The provision of care, assistance, rehabilitation, disease prevention and health promotionincluding assisting a physician in the treatment of disease-are all objectives of the nursing profession that require the application of specialized nursing knowledge. In Thailand, students pursuing a career in nursing begin their practice in the second semester of their second undergraduate year and continue it throughout their third and fourth years. The students practice in a hospital three days a week. Students can apply to nursing school after graduating from high school. In the first year, they will study fundamental sciences like anatomy and biochemistry. In the subsequent year, the nursing understudies need to keep on concentrating on essential nursing science during the primary semester and practice the basics of nursing with patients in the clinic during the subsequent semester. They begin to study and practice particular areas of nursing science during their third year, such as mental health and psychiatric nursing, community health nursing, and family and midwifery nursing. Students in their fourth year are required to pass a licensing exam and a nursing competency assessment, and they practice in the hospital more than in the classroom.

Stress Management Strategies

Nursing Students in clinical Classes Stress is a serious factor in terms of students' learning because it prevents them from concentrating on problem-solving and decision-making as well as obstructs other necessary abilities. There is presently proof that makes it obviously clear those understudies are under a lot of pressure from their projects of concentrate in the wellbeing callings, which can unfavorably influence their wellbeing as they study. For instance, it has been discovered that, between their second and fourth years of study, more than half of clinical-class nursing students experience severe stress. Nevertheless, it was discovered that depression was present in 24.5% of students with abnormal screening scores. In addition, it has been discovered that nearly one third of students enrolled in the public health sciences experience moderate levels of stress. It has been discovered that students enrolled in the nursing professions experience higher levels of stress than students enrolled in other areas of the health sciences. In point of fact, it has been suggested that nursing students at numerous universities experience more stress than all other students. Additionally, it has been discovered that some nursing students, particularly those in their third year, occasionally encounter a variety of issues that have an effect on their mental health. Additionally, studies of the stresses experienced by first-year nursing students have demonstrated that these students are subjected to high levels of stress. The same studies also demonstrate that nursing students' stress levels are unrelated to current stress management strategies. One possible explanation is that people with high levels of stress continue to use inappropriate methods of stress management, making it difficult for them to effectively manage their stress. As a result, their levels of stress continue to be high. On the other hand, students who employ effective problem-solving strategies achieve success in lowering their stress levels. These results are in concurrence with a past report, in which it was found that understudy pressure was not connected with standing up to pressure.

Social Treatment Program

Nursing students experience stress for a variety of reasons it was observed that the reasons for pressure in nursing understudies were established in their learning climate, particularly in the work that was being doled out to them in the different branches of knowledge of their review. As respects the reason for pressure in Thai nursing understudies, it was observed that it was their nursing coursework and particularly courses in the act of nursing that were making this pressure. These students lacked an understanding of the nursing work system at the time; None-theless, their instructors were testing their knowledge by asking them questions. Nursing students who were entering the field of practical nursing for the first time were particularly affected by this impact. It was observed that there was pressure from carrying out techniques and becoming ready with the essential information for use in the patient wards. They were stressed by the environment of the patient ward and the need to connect and communicate with senior nurses, patients, and their relatives. They had to deal with stress as a result of their role as instructors in the patient wards and the impact it was having on their own health and quality of life. Behavioral-Therapy program there are numerous approaches to stress reduction. In one review, it was found that upgrading the creative mind occurred related to a mental and social treatment program, in which it was observed that there are numerous approaches to facilitating pressure, every one of which can really bring down the pressure load being borne by a person. The ability to imagine, for example, a tranquil natural fantasy or natural images in which the practitioner finds her-self or himself in a relaxed and peaceful body, is used in imagination. The practitioner should breathe evenly and deeply while imagining images and concentrate on the details of the images, such as their colors, sizes, textures, sounds and smells. The practitioner should return to those particulars whenever other ideas get in the way.

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