
Does the Attitudes Towards Daily Activities at Romanian Aba’ Therapists are Related with Their Well-Being Level?

Taking care of people with disabilities it is a noble and demanded profession. It comes with serious responsibilities and with personal and in time, with professional satisfactions. The experts that are working currently with persons with special needs, in particular with children with special have to have specific competencies, but also have to have a “sparkle of creativity” in order to create the personalized therapeutic interventional program with achievable goals and related to all the types the resources that are accessible. Furthermore the number of the children with autism spectrum, in the last decade, is increased and it became very clearly the experts’ necessities for constant professional development. In the last five years, there are a lot of studies (that have been done at specialists involved in the recovery process of autistic children), focusing in revealing, the main behavioural anchors that are “damaged” as the results of the specific daily current activities. This paper tries to reveal the implications of the daily stress activities upon the quality of life at Romanian therapists in order to develop new strategies in managing stressful professional situations.


Roxana U

Abstract | Full-Text | PDF

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